News from MATCOR March 2021

I’m pleased to share the latest resources and news from MATCOR. Scroll down for the latest, including:
- CASE STUDY: Houston Ship Terminal Corrosion Protection
- Galvanic Anodes FAQ
- An invite to Corrosion 2021 and a FREE Virtual Exhibit Hall Pass
Please contact us if you have any questions, or would like a quote for any MATCOR products or services.
Successful Sled Anode Installation Protects Houston Ship Terminal
Read our latest article to learn about a recently completed sled anode installation for corrosion protection of the water side of a dock structure along the Houston Ship Channel.
All You Ever Wanted to Know About Galvanic Anodes
Are galvanic anodes right for your application? Our experts answer all of your questions in our latest FAQ…
RUSTY Recommends the AMPP (formerly NACE) Corrosion 2021 Virtual Conference!
Join members of the MATCOR cathodic protection and AC mitigation team VIRTUALLY at the world’s largest conference and exposition on corrosion.
Apr 19-30 Corrosion 2021 Virtual Conference
FREE Virtual Exhibit Hall Pass | Learn More
MATCOR offers customers a powerful combination of expertise, services and proprietary products to solve the corrosion problems of energy and other infrastructure markets. MATCOR is a BrandSafway company.