News from MATCOR May 2021

I’m pleased to share the latest resources and news from MATCOR. Scroll down for the latest, including:
- Pipeline Internal Corrosion Prevention
- Navigating Cathodic Protection Supply Chain
- JA Electronics Q&A
- Upcoming Events
Please contact us if you have any questions, or would like a quote for any MATCOR products or services.
VCI for Pipeline Internal Corrosion Prevention
A recent project to prevent pipeline internal corrosion involved injecting vapor corrosion inhibitor at a new pipeline station in West Texas.
Navigating Cathodic Protection Supply Chain Issues
Learn how MATCOR is navigating the cathodic protection supply chain to help you avoid delays resulting from material availability.
JA Electronics Q&A
RUSTY recently interviewed JA Electronics VP Michael Grace, to fill you in on their joining the BrandSafway family, and how they are working with MATCOR to better serve you with cathodic protection rectifiers and other accessories.
AUG 4-6: Join us IN PERSON at the AMPP/NACE Central Area Conference!
We are excited to attend the AMPP/NACE Central Area Conference in Kansas City, Missouri, August 4 – 6. It will be our first major trade show and conference since early 2020, and we are looking forward to meeting with our customers and colleagues in person. Please stop by and see us in Booth #605!
MATCOR offers customers a powerful combination of expertise, services and proprietary products to solve the corrosion problems of energy and other infrastructure markets. MATCOR is a BrandSafway company.