One of the key decisions for any cathodic protection system design is the choice between an impressed current anode system or a galvanic (or sacrificial) anode system. This is especially true for marine applications where cathodic protection is commonly applied to structures such as steel piling systems on jetties and piers for corrosion protection. A recent MATCOR project highlights the choice between ICCP and Galvanic systems on a newly constructed jetty in Surabaya, Indonesia.
Impressed Current Anode Systems vs Galvanic Anode Systems
This case study article, which appeared in the October issue of Materials Performance includes a comparison of key factors for commonly used galvanic (aluminum) anodes and impressed current (titanium with mixed metal oxide) anodes. The key differences between an impressed current anode system and a galvanic anode systems include:
- Anode consumption rates
- Current density (CD) limits
- Driving voltage
- Anode quantities
- Installation time and costs
The article describes these key differences in more detail.
Conceptual Design – Galvanic vs Impressed Current
Jetty applications can be designed using either galvanic anodes or impressed current anodes, and often it is a matter of client or designer preference. For this project in Indonesia, the cathodic protection designer reviewed both system types to determine the ideal design for this application based on a 30-year anode life. The final decision was based on several factors including total number of anodes and installation time required, in addition to safety considerations.
Impressed Current Anode System Installation and Commissioning
The final design called for the installation of six marine anode sleds, which took less than a week to complete.
For more details about this impressed current anode system solution for jetty piling cathodic protection, please read the full article in the October issue of Materials Performance. You can also access the full article HERE.
For assistance with impressed current anode system design, MATCOR’s Sea-Bottom Marine Anode Sleds, project management or installation, please contact us at the link below.
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