The MMP Anode consists of an MMO anode densely packed in a 99.9% carbon backfill housed in a robust galvanized steel tube.
MATCOR has manufactured over ten thousand of these anodes over the last 20 years and shipped them to users around the globe.
MMO vs Graphite and Cast-Iron Anodes
These MMO canister anodes have proven to be a long-life, cost effective alternative to conventional graphite and cast-iron anodes.
They are ideal for shallow and deep anode installations to protect pipelines, above ground storage tanks, sheet pile walls and other buried structures.
New Housing Material for Our MMP Anodes
Due to supply chain challenges, inflationary pressures and a rapidly evolving steel industry, our long-time supplier of galvanized carbon steel tubes has decided to exit the market.
As a result, MATCOR has had an opportunity to evaluate our MMP™ Anode product line and the best housing material for our canister anodes.
Anode Housing Material Considerations
Some of the factors that we considered important included availability, cost, weight, and material strength.
Lowest Cost
The least expensive canister housing is a thin-walled, 26-gauge (0.018” or 0.45mm wall thickness) spiral welded “stove pipe” galvanized canister. This type of canister housing is used by some in the industry for packaging anodes and offers the benefit of being low cost, readily available, and very lightweight.
The negative with this housing is that it is extremely thin walled and provides little to no mechanical strength. Our experience is that these anodes are too easily prone to damage during shipping, handling, and installation.
Aluminum Housing
We also looked at aluminum as an alternate material – aluminum tubing is readily available with 0.05” (1.27mm thickness) and offers a lightweight tube with significantly more strength than the thin walled spiral welded galvanized canister.
The cost for aluminum, however, is an issue.
Carbon Steel Anode Canisters
While MATCOR has internally approved aluminum as a suitable substitute should the steel tubes not be available. However, for our standard product a carbon steel canister is a more cost-effective solution.
The New Standard
Ultimately, MATCOR has standardized on an 18-gauge carbon steel tube with a nominal 0.065” wall thickness. This is a heavy duty canister that can easily withstand the rigors of being handled (and mishandled) during shipping and installation.
MATCOR is also consolidating our standard product offering by eliminating some sizes from our standard product line including the 2” and 4” options. These are still available on a custom basis with a longer lead time than our standard product line.
For more information please visit our MMP Anode product page, contact us at the link below, or reach out to your local MATCOR account manager.
Cheap and abundant Marcellus Shale gas derived from US fracking technology helps to drive competitiveness for a wide range of industries in the United States. This is especially true for the US Steel industry, and MATCOR’s recent project in Western Pennsylvania in the rolling hills of the Monongahela Valley is a great example of this.
Nestled on a hilltop 250 feet above the valley is US Steel’s Mon Valley Works–Irvin Plant. This hot strip mill in the Pittsburgh West Mifflin suburbs first opened in 1938. The hilltop site required more than 4.4 million cubic yards of earth to be moved, more than any other project other than the Panama Canal. In May of 2019, US Steel announced plans to invest $1 billion dollars at the site to expand it and to build a cogeneration power facility expected to be operational by 2022.
MATCOR was selected by US Steel to install, commission and test an impressed current cathodic protection system to protect the critical coke oven gas (COG) product pipelines mixed at the West Mifflin COG facility. The coke oven gas is a mixture of commercial natural gas and recovered waste coke gas. This blending of natural gas with recovered gas reduces costs and improves US Steel’s energy efficiency. The pipeline, affectionately called the Green Monster, traverses the valley feeding various facilities. Mostly above grade, the pipeline goes below grade in numerous locations.
MATCOR’s MMP 3605 mixed metal oxide based canister anodes were selected as the new cathodic protection system anodes to protect the buried piping. Fifteen anodes were installed in individual 20-foot depth augered holes and connected to a #2 HMWPE buried header cable requiring approximately 1500 linear feet of trenching. The project included site specific safety training, regular coordination with site personnel and site restoration (seed, straw and fertilizer) after completion of the installation.
The project was a tremendous success and MATCOR is proud to have been able to partner with US Steel for their buried pipe corrosion protection.
Have questions or need a quote for cathodic protection materials or services? Contact us at the link below. For immediate assistance, please call +1-215-348-2974.
This presentation explores current tank cathodic protection trends, specifically for above ground storage tanks.
Statistics show owners of above ground tanks often experience external corrosion issues because of limited or poor installation methods. Typical above ground storage tank (AST) methods of the past involve a ring wall foundation that is generally formed with a sand or soil base, or even concrete for smaller tanks. It has previously been acceptable to use a galvanic ribbon anode system (generally magnesium), but this system often fails prematurely due to unstable sand-based foundations and poor connections. For this reason, the industry is moving away from the galvanic anode system and to newer concentric ring tank cathodic protection systems for above ground storage tanks.
Good Engineering Practices
While there are newer designs for AST cathodic protection systems, your first consideration should always be good engineering practices. The proper installation of a high-end tank cathodic protection system begins with known design specifications based on the tank size and diameter. This presentation compares traditional grid anode systems with newer linear anode concentric ring systems for the cathodic protection of above ground storage tank bottoms. In addition, congested terminal environments often lead to interference and less current at the tank bottom.
Grid Anode vs. Concentric Ring Tank Cathodic Protection Systems
While the field-fabricated and field installed grid anode system has been in use for over 20 years, some faults have been discovered. Field installation presents welding challenges for the contractor because the system must first be secured, and it cannot be installed directly over sheet liner. The ribbon anode and titanium conductor bars have to be field cut to the appropriate lengths. At the conductor bar to anode ribbon intersections, a weld is applied. The field assembled grid system is subject to weld failures, the spot welds can be damaged easily during subsequent sand installation, and care must be taken to hold the system in place so that it does not short to the tank bottom. All of these installation challenges can adversely impact the system performance. Additionally, bare MMO in sand is an oxygen generator when used for cathodic protection. Oxygen is a depolarizer and in some instances this can lead to issues with maintaining polarization criteria.
Advantages of the Concentric Ring System
In comparison, newer concentric ring systems for above ground storage tanks include factory assembled anode rings that come equipped with the appropriate cable leads to extend past the ring wall penetration. No onsite field assembly is required. The system is pre-assembled in concentric ring sizes designed for your tank and requires no cutting, splicing, or welding, and the MMO wire is backfilled within a braided fabric sleeve with coke breeze. Anode locations are simply marked, each ring is laid out at the proper diameter, and cabling is extended toward the ring wall. The anode cables are labeled for ease of identification and to allow for monitoring of current to each anode ring. Unlike the grid system, the MMO anode is centered in a coke backfill – this coke environment inhibits the generation of oxygen eliminating the issues with depolarization.
The concentric ring tank cathodic protection system is designed for longevity. A typical under-tank ring system using MMO anodes exceeds a 30-year life, however can be designed to extend life beyond 100 years.
Additional Considerations for Tank CP
Some tank operators opt for a “replaceable” anode system, however time and manpower are required to extract and replace the anodes and backfill and the design life is only 30 years.
Volatile corrosion inhibitors (VCI) are often used in conjunction with cathodic protection systems where CP cannot be installed or may be ineffective, such as ring wall crevices, poor bottom-to-sand contact, and more. It can be pumped under tanks via shielding high-density polyethylene (HDPE) containment liners.
Today, tank owners have more effective choices than traditional grid anode systems for tank cathodic protection. The MATCOR Tank Ring Anode™ System is trending as a high-end solution for above ground storage (AST) tanks.
Canister anodes are commonly used for impressed current anode cathodic protection applications. These can be used to protect buried metallic piping in congested plant environments, to protect distribution or transmission pipelines in either distributed shallow ground beds or as horizontal remote ground bed anodes, and to protect other structures such as above ground or buried tanks and piling systems.
MATCOR’s MMP™ Anode provides an outstanding combination of value, quality and proven reliability for use with these types of applications and are often a direct upgrade over other canister anode offerings. Below is a comparison of MATCOR’s MMO canister anode vs. conventional high silicon cast iron anodes, in addition to a real life project example comparing the costs associated with both canister anode types.
MMP Canister Anode Unique Construction Features
Understanding the value of the MATCOR MMP™ anode product, starts with its unique construction features as follows:
HSCI vs MMO/Ti Canister Anode Type
Most canister anodes consist of either a High Silicon Cast Iron (HSCI) anode or some configuration of MMO/Ti anode installed in a large metallic “canister” that is filled with coke backfill. The canister is capped with the anode cable extending out the top of the anode cap. Once installed, the exterior metallic canister housing is part of the anode system and will consume quickly as current is discharged off the anode, through the coke backfill and then off the external metallic housing.
It is important to note that the housing is only intended to survive transportation and installation. Once installed, it is expected to be consumed, leaving behind the anode and coke backfill.
One of the most important considerations in evaluating any canister anode technology is to evaluate the anode technology that is inside the canister anode.
HSCI anode technology is an older anode technology that remains extremely popular around the world. It is popular because it is cheap and readily available from many suppliers. Because HSCI anodes are simply castings of a specific formulation of iron, they are available from a wide range of manufacturers with casting facilities spread across the globe. Any foundry can cast the basic HSCI anode. Testing for anode composition assures that the basic elements are present in the correct ratio, however, the mechanical and more importantly the electrical (anode) characteristics are dependent on a lot more than just having the correct ratio of components. Also critical are the canister anode:
Casting process
Density and consistency of the casting
Presence of trace elements
Consistency of the grain structure
and more…
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to assess the quality of a particular anode casting batch without extensive long term testing. Even the most experienced and reputable cast iron anode suppliers will admit that HSCI anode quality and anode performance can vary significantly even within different casing batches from the same manufacturer.
This leaves buyers with a real challenge in confirming that the anodes they are purchasing will provide the anode life and current output that they are specifying because of the wide range of casting quality issues that can occur with HSCI anodes and the large number of casting facilities offering this type of product.
Mixed metal oxide coated titanium (MMO/Ti) anodes are also a common anode technology utilized in canister anodes – typically these anodes consist of a titanium substrate on to which a mixture of mixed metal oxides is electro-deposited on to the substrate and thermally cured. The MMO coating typically uses a base of Iridium as the primary catalyst that allows the coating to perform as an anode.
MMO Anodes Easier to Test for Quality
As with HSCI anodes, quality is an issue with MMO/Ti anodes; however, there are some key factors that lead to making MMO/TI anodes easier to QA/QC than conventional cast iron anodes.
First, there are no real mechanical concerns other than assuring that there is good adherence between the MMO coating and the underlying substrate. Because the substrate is pure titanium the mechanical properties are quite consistent (ASTM Grade 1 or Grade 2 Titanium is considered commercial pure titanium and either can be used for MMO/TI anodes). Testing for coating adhesion is a rather simple test that can be performed on a test coupon from the same process or on the anode itself.
In addition to having a very stable, homogeneous substrate, the MMO/Ti anode performance can be tested using accelerated life testing to provide an evaluation of the performance of the specific coating mixture that is applied. As with HSCI anodes, there are a large (and growing) number of suppliers of MMO/Ti anode materials; however, testing can be used to confirm the anode material quality. MATCOR MMP™anodes use MMO/Ti anode material with a proven track record. Additionally, third party inspection and testing of MATCOR’s MMO/Ti anode material is available for a nominal inspection charge.
Canister Anode Configuration
The actual anode inside the canister can have a wide range of configurations; however, the most common configuration is the tubular anode. All HSCI anodes are cast in tubular (either solid or hollow tubular) configurations and many of the MMO/Ti canister anodes also use tubular anodes.
For HSCI tubular anodes, the brittle nature of the anode must be taken into consideration when transporting, handling and installing the anode as dropping the anode canister can lead to breaking or cracking of the HSCI anode.
MATCOR’s MMP™ Anode is unique in that we utilize a solid titanium rod as our substrate. This provides several advantages over typical MMO/Ti configurations utilizing tubular anodes. The cable to anode connection is easier and more secure when connecting to a solid rod as opposed to trying to connect a cable to the inside of an anode tube. The solid titanium rod is also stronger and unlikely to break should it be bent.
Other MMO/Ti configurations can also be used inside a canister anode including MMO/Ti strips and ribbons. There is nothing inherently wrong with these configurations as long as the anode to cable connection is properly designed. Improper anode to cable connection designs can lead to premature anode failure.
Canister Anode Connection Technology
Typical anode connections used for discreet canister anodes usually consist of some version of a pressure fit mechanical connection with an epoxy sealant covering the anode to cable connection. Anode to cable connection failures have historically been a significant cause of premature anode failure. Depending on the anode type and configuration, the location of the anode connection can also have an impact on performance – especially for HSCI anodes that consume rapidly and may be subject to necking effects– with MMO/Ti anodes that are dimensionally stable (i.e. do not physically consume) this is much less of an issue.
MATCOR’s MMP™ anode utilizes a multi-step welded connection technology to assure the anode to cable connection is mechanically and electrically secure and properly sealed from the ingress of moisture that can lead to premature anode failure. The multi-step anode connection includes a mechanical crimp followed by a welding process. The mechanically secure welded connection then has a layer of non-conductive hot melt sealant followed by a heat shrink sleeve with a second sealant layer on the interior of the heat shrink. This heavily engineered connection technology has proven to be exceptionally effective with hundreds of thousands of connections in service over the past 20 years.
Heavy Duty Canister Anode Construction
Most canister anodes are constructed using a thin walled galvanized steel spiral wound pipe material. This material is commonly used in the HVAC world as a ducting material and is readily available commercially. This material is typically 0.7mm thickness (24 gauge) with a spiral wound construction. This type of canister provides only a modest amount of mechanical strength and must be very carefully handled during transportation and installation.
MATCOR’s MMP™ Canister anode utilizes a thicker walled EMT seamless steel pipe with a typical material thickness of 1.8 mm or 250% times the thickness of typical canister anodes. This additional wall thickness makes the MMP™ anode a much stronger product – you can drive a fork truck or backhoe over our anode and not significantly damage the canister.
Economic Considerations
The actual installed cost of the anodes is an important consideration in selecting the optimal anode solution. As noted previously, the anode system quality and design integrity should also be factored into the evaluation as these factors can serve to reduce the anode system’s life in the field.
Some factors that should be considered include:
Anode Operating Life (Amp-Years)
Every anode has an operating life. For HSCI anodes the calculation of an anode life is complicated by the inherent variability in HSCI anode casting. The nominal consumption rate of HSCI anodes is typically assumed to be between 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/amp-year (0.23 kg/amp-year to 0.45 kg/amp-year) in a coke backfill. This wide range is consistent with the variation in anode consistency and quality inherent in the anode type. The consumption rate can also vary depending on the environment and the operating current density.
Additionally, a utilization factor is typically applied to the calculations as the anode can never be fully utilized – at some point the anode consumption is such that the anode to cable connection is lost prior to fully consuming all of the anode’s mass. For stick anodes with an end connection this is typically 65% (meaning that 35% of the anode mass is unusable) while for tubular anodes with center connections this utilization factor is closer to 85%.
MMO/Ti anodes are considered dimensionally stable anodes and do not physically consume. They are instead electro-catalytic in nature – they cause a reaction to occur that generates DC current flow without actually being a reactant and thus are not consumed. The catalytic component in the MMO coating does; however, have a finite life that is relatively consistent and can be determined based on the accelerated testing performed by the manufacturer.
The challenge with MMO/Ti anodes is that the coating loading is on the order of mg/m2. With such a light coating load, it is often difficult for the anode manufacturer to control the coating loading to exactly the thickness that would be optimal. Most MMO/Ti anodes are supplied with more coating than required to assure that the coating thickness QA/QC spot checks exceed the minimum specified coating loading. MATCOR’s experience has been that the anode coatings tend to exceed that required coating loading by a significant margin assuring even longer life than the stated design life.
Anode Weight
One of the key advantages of the MATCOR MMP™ anode is the low weight over HSCI anodes for a similar current capacity. HSCI anodes consume at a relatively high rate and require significant anode mass to provide the current output and life required. Weight has two key impacts; one is economic as the lower the anode weight the cheaper it is to transport and install, and the second is a safety issue as the heavier the anode the greater the risk of injury associated with the proper transportation and handling of the anode during installation. While the transportation costs are easily quantified, the safety benefit of a much lighter anode to be installed is much more difficult to quantify but should be considered in the anode selection.
Anode Installation Replacement Cost
Another consideration that should be given is the cost of having to replace an anode installation more frequently. This metric is often not considered; however, there is a very real value to having an installation that lasts 25 years versus only 18 years and the additional incremental cost for the additional life has a real value that should be considered in the economic evaluation.
Savings from using fewer, higher output anodes
Another consideration that is often overlooked is the savings that might be achieved by using fewer anodes that are capable of higher output to reduce the overall installation costs. The incremental cost of fewer, larger anodes could result in a significant cost savings over using more anodes that are rated for lower output. When considering the use of fewer, higher output anodes the impact on system resistance could be an issue as the power supply may have to be larger and the operating power higher to overcome the additional system resistance from fewer anodes. Typically power costs are rather nominal and not a major consideration in this type of economic evaluation.
Canister Anodes System Example
Please note that this is a real project example and is intended to show the methodology used to evaluate two different options – one using HSCI anodes and the other using MMP™ canister anodes. The costs associated with this project are not suitable for other applications – each project has its own costs that must be evaluated for that specific project.
Shallow horizontal ground bed rated for 60 Amps using multiple anodes in parallel at a depth of 12 feet and spaced 15 feet from each other. Each hole would be 8” diameter and the hole would be filled with coke around the anode including one foot below the anode and one foot above the anode. System to be suitable for 30 years anode life. Soil resistivity is assumed to be 3000 ohm-cm.
Canister Anode Options
Two anode options were considered as follows:
HSCI Solid Stick Anode
Anode Type
Bare HSCI Anode
Canister MMO/Ti rod
Anode Dimensions
3" x 60"
3" x 60"
Anode Weight, ea
110 lbs
44 lbs
Anode Life, ea
95.3 amp-years*
125 amp-years
Anode Cost
Freight Cost/Anode
* Based on 0.75 lbs/amp year consumption rate and 65% utilization factor for solid stick anode
Additional Costs
Installation cost to drill each hole, install anode and make header cable connection estimated at $700 USD/hole
180 lbs of coke backfill per hole, including freight, estimated at $135/hole
Cable costs for header cable, estimated at $1 per foot
Cable to anode splice kit estimated at $35 per connection
Minimum number of anodes required to meet 30 year life operating at 60 amps:
Roundup {(60 amps x 30 years) / Anode life} = minimum # of anodes
HSCI Stick Anode – 19 anodes resulting in 30.19 years design life
MATCOR MMP™ – 15 anodes resulting in 31.25 years design life
Anode System Resistance
Based on Dwight’s equation using an 8” diameter hole and 7 ft coke column in 3000 ohm-cm soil the resistance of a single anode (Ra) is 7.68 ohms. The resistance for multiple anodes in parallel is Ra/Number of parallel anodes
19 HSCI anodes – anode bed resistance is 0.40 ohms
15 MMP™3605 anodes – anode bed resistance is 0.51 ohms
Installed Cost
Based on the cost assumptions the total installed costs are:
HSCI 19 anode system: $23,408.00
MATCOR MMP™ 3605: $16,560.00
Contact MATCOR about your canister anode cathodic protection requirements or learn more about our MMP Anode (MMO) canister anodes.
MMO anode technology has taken over the cathodic protection industry and MATCOR has been on the forefront for the last 20 years. Ted Huck, our VP of International Sales was interviewed at the recent NACE Corrosion Conference. In this video he discusses MMO anode technology for cathodic protection systems and the importance of reliable anode to cable connections.
MMO Anode Technology
MMO anodes, or mixed metal oxide anodes are the latest technology in the corrosion industry. Mixed metal oxide anodes are lightweight and durable with a very low consumption rate.
MMO anodes are a mix of metal oxide electrocatalysts. In the presence of a DC voltage source they cause an electrical reaction that generates cathodic protection current. Unlike conventional impressed current anodes that physically consume as part of the cathodic protection reaction (at rates measured in kg/amp-year), MMO anodes are dimensionally stable and do not consume. Instead, they have a long and predictable catalytic life. MMO anodes consist of a thin coating of the MMO catalyst over an inert lightweight titanium substrate and are available in a wide range of shapes and configurations.
Why Cathodic Protection Systems Fail
The most critical component to any cathodic protection anode system is the connection of the anode to the cable that runs back to the power supply. Because the cable is part of the anode system, if it has any nicks or defects or is not water tight, that cable can become part of the anode and will very quickly consume. When that happens, the anode fails. So, with cathodic protection systems it is imperative to have the highest quality connections.
Typically, when a cathodic protection anode system fails, it is not the anode that fails, it is the anode connection that fails. MATCOR has developed a proprietary technology for connecting wire anodes to cable, called Kynex®. Wire anodes are the heart of a lot of our products and this proprietary anode technology is a huge leap forward in the reliability of these connections.
At the end of the day, for our clients, it’s all about delivering value. It’s providing a cost effective solution that’s going to serve them for a very long time. As a designer and manufacturer of cathodic protection anode systems, we are able to specifically address client needs with customized corrosion prevention solutions that provide:
Long life
Great economic value
Superior reliability
MATCOR Products and Services
MATCOR is one of the world’s leading cathodic protection companies. We design, manufacture, install and service cathodic protection systems for clients worldwide. MATCOR provides services to the pipeline, midstream and oil & gas industries, protecting assets such as pipelines, storage tanks, and compressor stations. We also do a lot of work in the power industries, petrochemical, and chemical industries. Anywhere where you have buried steel structures, we are there to stop corrosion. We encourage you to contact MATCORthrough our website where our corrosion specialists and engineers can provide a solution tailored to your needs.