Looking for a better tank cathodic protection system?
Cathodic Protection of the external tank bottom for large diameter above ground storage tanks has been adopted as good engineering practice around the world.
Unfortunately, many existing grid anode systems have experienced premature failures, resulting in excessive tank bottom corrosion and costly replacement.
A recent MATCOR article published in Storage Terminals Magazine provides an overview of these grid CP systems and an alternative concentric ring linear anode system (link to the full article below). Here are just a few key points:
Grid Tank Anode Systems
- Consist of field assembled MMO ribbon anodes and titanium conductor bars
- Require flawless design and installation
- Subject to poor welding and other concerns
- Failures can be catastrophic
Concentric Ring Linear Anode System
- Factory assembled—no field cutting or splicing required
- Easy, fast and reliable installation
- Coke backfilled sock protects the anode
- Redundant—each ring segment has two feeds
- Long life compared to the grid systems of the 1990s
If you have questions, or for information on MATCOR’s above ground storage tank cathodic protection solutions, please contact us at the link below.
Great reading and extremely comprehensive post – pretty much covers everything…
Thanks for letting us know this was helpful to you, Gilsulate. Please let us know if there are any other questions we can answer for you.